3. The interface

3.2 Output panel

Here is where you manage the output of your baked textures. The settings are the following:

Output folder
The folder used to store the baked textures. You can use both relative absolute path or relative path (to the project's Assets folder).

Base name
All the generated textures will be named [basename]_[mapname].[extension]. For example, if the base name is 'Foo' and you choose to generate diffuse and normal maps, the system will generate the files Foo_Diffuse.png and Foo_Normal.png.

The resolution of the generated textures. Note that this is a global setting, so all the baked textures will have the same resolution.

Auto Update Preview
Once the textures are created by the baking process, you generally want to fine tune them with some specific filters. To do so, in Total Baker every map type has additional parameters that you can modify in the option area, under the texture preview area. Turn this option on if you want the preview to be updated while you interact with these parameters. If you turn it off, you will have to manually update the preview (an "Update" button will appear).

Show Console Log
If enabled, the system will write console messages about the baking process when it finishes.