3. The interface

3.3 Lights panel

Total Baker transfers details from highpoly to lowpoly models by creating texture maps. The light baking doesn’t make difference, as its result is stored into the diffuse map. The idea is that a lowpoly model with an unlit material should look like an enlighten highpoly model with a (legacy) diffuse material. This is because Total Baker's lighting model is very similar to Unity's Legacy one.

Bake lights
If enabled, the specified lights will be baked into the diffuse map. As of now Total Baker supports directional, point and spot lights. This option forces the creation of the diffuse map. Total Baker will compute necessary data at the end of the baking process, and after that you can add, move or modify lights in realtime and get a realtime preview.

Bake all active lights
Check this option to let Total Baker use all the active lights in scene. Use the "refresh" button to manually update lights during the realtime preview (i.e. if you add a light in the scene).

Ambient color
The ambient lighting color