**Which textures can I create with Total Baker?** With Total Baker you can create Diffuse, Normal, Height, AO, Emission, Metallic, Specular, Curvature and Mask (HDRP) maps. ⠀⠀ **Which render pipelines does Total Baker support? ** Total Baker supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and Standard Pipeline. HDRP is not supported, even if mask map is. ⠀⠀ **I have no modeling skills. Can I bake textures with Total Baker?** Total Baker is a tool created for 3D artists. To bake textures, the system needs two versions (lowpoly and highpoly) of the same model. It is mandatory for the lowpoly model to be UV-unwrapped, and it is strongly recommended the same for the highpoly model. The process of creating such models is generally easy for an expert 3D modeler, but may be a quite hard for a beginner. Also, it may be dificult to find ready-to-bake models online. ⠀ **Does Total Baker support runtime baking?** No, Total baker works in Edit mode only. The reason is that the core system makes use of some UnityEditor's features unavailable outside the editor. ⠀ **Which Unity versions are supported? ** Total Baker works on Unity 2019.4 or later. ⠀⠀ **Can Total Baker bake projected shadows?** Total Baker can't bake shadows. Total Baker isn't a lightmapper. If you need to bake projected shadows you have to use a lightmapper like Enlighten or Progressive Lightmapper. ⠀ **Does Total Baker support Skinned Mesh Renderers?** Yes, it does. ⠀ **Can I use a prefab composed by multiple objects/models as input for the bake?** Yes, but if you're doing that for the lowpoly model, remember that all these objects must lie in different parts of the UV map, because the system generates a single material. ⠀ **Why some models (even not too complex) make the baking process very slow?** If these models are not very complex (< 3M tris), it may be a scale issue. Try to import the models with a higher scale factor, and try again. ⠀ **Why some of my models produce bad textures (artifacts, mixed colors, etc.)?** Generally this is a UV problem. Make sure your lowpoly model has a valid UV Map without overlapping triangles. If your lowpoly model is composed of multiple meshes, make sure they don't share the same space in the UV Map. ⠀ **Why when I bake AO with the Classic Algorithm, it takes a lot of time to bake?** The Classic Algorithm uses a ray-traced approach, which is slow. Try using the Fast algoritm (you will need a UV-unwrapped highpoly model without overlapping uvs) or lower the "rays per point" value. ⠀ **Can I use Total Baker functions inside my scripts?** Yes, but most of them may not work as expected outside Total Baker. You can use all the scripts, shaders, functions. Please consider that Total Baker is not a baking API, but an Editor tool. ⠀ **Does Total Baker support custom shaders?** No, the only supported shaders for baking are Standard Pipeline's Metallic/Specular, Diffuse, Unlit and URP's Lit and Unlit. However, the generated textures may be used in custom shaders. A technical explanation why custom shaders are not supported can be found [[https://forum.unity.com/threads/total-baker-texture-baking-system.546341/page-3#post-5721508|here]].⠀ ⠀ **Can I use Total Baker functions inside my scripts?** Yes, but most of them may not work as expected outside Total Baker. You can use all the scripts, shaders, functions. Please, consider is not a baking APi but an Editor tool. ⠀⠀ **Why my Metallic Map is completely transparent?** Metallic Maps encode the smoothness property in their alpha channel, so if your highpoly model has a material with smoothness = 0, the baked Metallic Map will have alpha = 0, and it will appear completely transparent. You can use the channel selectors on the top of the texture preview to isolate channels and analyze them. ⠀⠀ **What color spaces are supported?** Both Gamma and Linear color spaces are supported.